Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What happens when two parents are separated and the parent with the baby has to go back to work?

does the non resident parent split the cost of nursery costs with the working parent? he also works, so it's not an option for him to look after the baby. He has just left her, and she is 6 months pregnant. She is trying to work out the implications and the costs she will need to take on herself now.What happens when two parents are separated and the parent with the baby has to go back to work?
Gonna have to sit down with him and discuss it like adults. If not possible, see a solicitor/arbitrator/citizens advice dude...What happens when two parents are separated and the parent with the baby has to go back to work?
The non-custodial parent should have to pay child support. When the judge calculates the child support, they include the nursery cost in that amount.
Not usually, the cost will come out of the money the nonresident parent gives to the upkeep of the child.
They should split the cost of childcare. If one of them makes more money then they might need to pay for more of it.
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