Friday, November 25, 2011

Why should parents who send their kids to private schools have to pay for a failed system?

Why should people who choose to opt out of a failing system pay for that system?Why should parents who send their kids to private schools have to pay for a failed system?
The politically correct response is that public education is available to everyone and therefore everyone is responsible for funding it. I believe that people should have the privilege of opting out of any failing endeavor, including public education. That would surely reduce classroom size, one of the big selling points for raising taxes to fund education.Why should parents who send their kids to private schools have to pay for a failed system?
While I don't agree with the ';Opting out'; option since everyone pays into the School System with their property taxes including people without kids. I feel that the Parents are entitled to use the portion of the money that the public would spend anyway for their students to put them in the school of their choosing. The Voucher saves tax payer money since most Private schools operate cheaper and provide a better education.
They shouldn't.

The US spends more money, per capita, on education than any other country on Earth. Yet the quality of education is nowhere near the highest.

The fact is that we need to get rid of the NEA and public education as a whole.

It is a failed system, and dumping more money into it, like Obama and the Congress are doing, is just throwing more taxpayer money down the toilet.
because i pay for a system that pays politicians that i didn't vote if I don't pay for something I don't utilize, then I don't have to listen or follow any of the laws they make...
Public schools couldn't operate without taxes. I elected to send mine to private school but accepted the fact that it was incumbent upon me to do my duty as a citizen and pay school taxes.
The school system has not failed, it is the parent, or parents that have failed.
thats your problem. equal taxation for all.
We shouldn't.

You make an excellent point.

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