Friday, November 25, 2011

What are some tips about moving out of parents home to own place?

What are some things I should start doing to plan to move in own place?What are some tips about moving out of parents home to own place?
Save as much $ as you can. You will be amazed at how much money things will add up to. Keep your credit in order. You may want to be on the look-out in the thrift-stores and store sales for household items you can use.What are some tips about moving out of parents home to own place?
Saving money for things you forgot or didn't know about like a shower curtain or utility deposit.

Decide on your style of decorating, do you require everything to be perfect? If you demand perfection it is expensive so you will need to save longer. If you will make due with what you can get tell all your family you are accepting their old furniture and other household items if they replace what they have now.

The used furniture was great for my nephew I gave him a sectional and his grandma gave him her table and chairs. They were good enough for us but we wanted to buy and giving him our old stuff was good for everyone. He loves the dining room but replaced the sectional when he had the money. Even if you only keep things a year or two at least you can budget for the replacements.

Most aunts and grandmas will have some towels or something they want you to have. When they offer don't insult their stuff just say you already have that taken care of then go buy your own. Or accept then when you buy your own you can Freecycle the gifts or offer them back the the giver.
hi- steveko is totally on target when he says to save as much money as you can and to keep your credit score as high as you can ( your credit score affects everything from getting a job to insurance rates to even renting a storage unit!)

as far as furnishing your place cheaply, ask your parents and your parent's friends about stuff they want to get rid of but just don't want to throw away. as people tend to accumulate so much stuff they will welcome a chance to get rid of it without feeling wasteful.

lastly,and this is really important, learn to cook! the biggest budget buster is eating out. go food shopping with your mom now and get acquainted with prices of various items and notice how much more pre prepared and convenience foods cost.

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