Friday, November 25, 2011

Parents: What age did you let your teenager start going to real parties?

Im asking because, my 16 year old daughter frequently gets invited to parties, but I make her turn them down because I dont want her there. She's a good kid (gets good grades, doesnt drink, smoke, do drugs, etc) I just dont feel comfortable with it.

she thinks Im being unfair because she really wants to go to a party just to hang out with friends and see what its like.

so, what age did (or would) you let your kids go to real parties?Parents: What age did you let your teenager start going to real parties?
Uhmm, i think you should start lettting her go.

I mean, she's 16. She is capable of driving and

she's almost an adult. If she's a good kid, you

should trust her. If you don't let her go, how is

she ever going to get the feel of stuff like that?

Just saying, but its your choice. your the parent.

:DParents: What age did you let your teenager start going to real parties?
Well when I was a teenager my mother started let me go to parties that involved just my group of friends (guys/girls) from 8th grade on. It didn't do me any harm at all, we just all hungout and listened to music and ate pizza. It's good to be social, if she stays hibernated away from social life she will get self conscious as time goes on. I personally think it's great that my mom trusted me early on, it always made us have a stronger relationship, I could tell her anything. Your acting as though you don't trust her, she is a young women now you have to have faith that she will make the right decisions in life. You can't hold her down forever so you need to let her go off on her own where she is in situations that she has to make decisions on her own. It's best that way, even if it is hard, it's life.
I would let her at 16 but first id talk to her about everything how drinking and drugs makes kids do thinks that in their right mind they would never do and that girls don't plan on getting pregnant and that she is responsible for the decisions she makes in her life shes the one that will have to pay if her reputation is ruined let her go on trial bases you pick her up you have to have trust in her or she will go wild when she gets older
Pff, your lucky at 16 shes not sneaking out to go to parties

Let her go, the more you stop her from experiencing life without any good reasons why she shouldn't, the sooner she will rebel and be resentful.

Trust me, I used to be 16. It'd be very easily for her to go without you knowing.

Learning is about doing new things and making mistakes. Sheltering her at home from the big bad world of temptation is not going to help her in the real world.
You should let her go. If you know that she doesn't drugs and is a good student then why are you so worried? I know that it is a little scary but you are going to have to let go sometime and have to let her go to parties and stuff. Just tell her that you are going to call her two three times and that she better answer..that kind of thing. I would say that her age is about right...16-17...take care and hope I helped some!!
I wouldnt let her go unless you knew the parent and they were going to be there. girls get drugged and raped, it's not a joke. Im not paranoid, I was raped as a teenager, by a friend I had known for yrs and trusted. Even now as an adult woman I get groped at bars and even the supermarket. You can't just trust people. Even if you trust your daughter be skeptical of her friends

if she doesn't drink, smoke, do drugs, etc. then what are you worried about? she sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders and can handle herself while hanging out with friends.

i remember when i moved to a new school when i was 17 and was invited to a party by the most popular guy in school. i wanted to go but couldn't (i had a cold). i was never invited to one again. i feel like if i had just gone to that party i would've made some friends and been more accepted. instead, i ended up hanging out with ';the rejects'; and pot heads
Our 18 year old still doesn't go......unless it's a party at our house with our friends and family, and then he can invite his friends too. :-)
I would say 16 OR 17, it depends on how mature a teenager is, meaning: they should know how to back up if someone offers them drugs, alcohol , or fags (cigarettes). And, just trust her, tell her this is her one and only chance, and she better behave at the party.
I'd say that you should get all the details you can before letting her go. Don't go crazy though. the basics and if you think of anything suspicious because of the ';guest list'; than dig a little deeper. But be wary, there may be things she's hiding, but she sounds responsible.
I probably started going to the odd party when I was 16 or 17. But then I was only allowed ';a drink or two'; but that was it. And of course if I was a little liberal mixing my drinks then I could suffer the hangover the next day while carrying on with the daily routine.
i am personally 18 and never went to a party, and i still would forbid her, hanging with ';friends'; could be bad and alot of the time at parties girls end up having sex or doing stuff because of peer pressure don't do it.
If you dont let her go eventually she will just sneak out. You want her to trust you, and by forbidding her from doing something she isnt going to trust you with the big stuff.

The more you forbid the more she will want to do it.
Your better off to trust her and at least know where she is.

Otherwise, she'll just sneak out or ';sleep over'; at a friends house.

Wouldn't you rather know the truth?
let her live as a damn teenager. your a teenager for a reason, to **** up.
At that age just give her a curfew, and make sure she still gets good grades.
if your daughter is responsible, then i think you should let her go if she's 16.
just let her go.
I let my son start at 16. There still has to be a parent.
I know this was addressed to perents but i would feel bad if i didn't let u know something. Im almost 20 years old. When i was in high school i went to maybe 2 parties at the most. and they weren't with my parents permission. But my point is if u don't let her go then she will stop asking u for permission and just ';spend the night at a friends house'; if u know what i mean. Im not saying let her have her way allll the time but a party every now and then doesn't hurt just tell her the reasons that you don't want her to go and tell her to check in with you! because you sitting at home wondering if ur little girl is safe isn't a fun feeling for u! im sure! and tell her if she wants to go to the party then she has to check in with u, calling, only because u want her to be safe because you love her very much! I know as a mother that it's hard because your stuck between wanting her to be happy and doing the right thing but now that im older, i thank my parents for being so strict with that! THINK IF I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN PREGNANT AND NOT BEEN ABLE TO FINISH HIGH SCHOOL! OMG! thats why the calling is a good thing it keeps u, her parent, in her head so if she even thinks about doing something bad she will have u in her head and she will feel bad about ';disappointing u!'; but anyways i guess my point is i think u have every right in the world to keep her from these parties because they are PRETTY BAD in this genoration! but then again taking her away from them all together isn't helping her make her own GOOD decisions and have the ';experience of high school'; but i am doing just fine as a 20 year old not having gone to any parties! lol another thing is if she doesn't get to go, one of my close friends totally went off the deep end. the second she turned 18 she went crazy sleeping with all these guys, drinking etc. her parents held on SO TIGHT that she didn't have any breathing room, once they had no control over her, she took a turn for the worst! so its going to be a hard decision for you and i wish u the best of luck with ur daughter! i hope some of the things i said helped you in some way!
My mom started allowing me to go to parties at 16 (her argument: If I could get a job I could party, so I got a part time job) She also had me check in every few hours, and always reminded me I'm smart and I know the difference between right and wrong, basically she reminded me to use my judgment. Make sure your daughter knows now matter what happens she can call you and you won't be mad, in the case something did go wrong she should know you will help and you will still love her no matter what. Or that's its ok just simply to say ';pick me up'; or a code word if things get out of hand. I had a code with my Mom if I called and hit the key on the phone 3 times she would come get me without questions. I think this will me the most important thing for you... knowing your daughter is ok.

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